Heimweh---- longing for the home country

The german word Heimweh describes the state of Homesickness. A longing for the stranger, to be back home. The feeling is widespread to many works of art, especially numerous songs. For this desire of the homeland (sometimes distorted by memory and life experience) in the distance.

Upon reading a friend's passage on the missing of home, I started thinking that at the present moment even though I come from the eastern most part of Europe and I am living in the most Western part, I am not really away. But yet something nibbles at my insides and as the greek easter approaches I cannot help but feel the stabs of homesickness or heimweh take over me. The easter in the Latin American countries is spectacular, a blend of paganism and christianity, with vivid colours and an intertwining of traditions and religions. The further away one goes though the more one reminisces of this home....

Even though we do not have this beautiful blend of the tropical lands.... I will surely miss some of the following images... having not cellebrated easter in my homeland for some time.....


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